Welcome to Oxbow Lake
Oxbow Lake, a private lake in White Lake Township, is bordered by M-59 (Highland Road) to the North, Teggerdine Road to the West, and Elizabeth Lake Road to the South.
Whether this will be your first summer on the lake or if you have been here for decades, the OLHA and this website wish to provide you with unique information about the lake and warmly invite you into this great community.
The Oxbow Lake Homeowner's Association promotes the activities and general welfare of the residents of Oxbow Lake in White Lake, Michigan. It is a Michigan Domestic Nonprofit Corporation recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(4). Membership is open to all residential waterfront riparian homeowners having properties on the Oxbow Lake waters, from west of the Shotwell Bridge to downstream to the Mill Pond dam.

The Website Tabs
To explore, utilize the tabs across the top of this site. We would love to have you as an active part of our Membership and community. Learn About Our Lake. Know the etiquette and Michigan laws of Boating and safety (Oxbow Lake map here, identifying hazard locations, buoys, water flow, etc.). Understand the lake’s health and Water Quality monitoring and testing. Is Fishing for you? Are you a social butterfly? Check out the Calendar and other Non-OLHA Clubs & Org’s. Become familiar with Who We Are, the OLHA Meetings, Board Members, and Street Captains. Request general documentation from the File Cabinet. The picture Gallery displays our community fun, happenings and events throughout the year. Feedback, concerns, and suggestions on how to improve are always welcome.
If you have any specific questions about Oxbow Lake, please do not hesitate to contact any Board Member.
Welcome Home to Oxbow Lake.